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Introducing Moscato Rosé Zero: Q&A with winemakers Cate Looney and Simon McMillan
Fri 2 Aug 2024

Introducing our bright ‘n’ bubbly new zero-alcohol wine, Moscato Rosé Zero, a delicious new drop perfect for indulging sans guilt.
To celebrate the launch of this irresistibly fresh and fruity zero-alc wine, we chatted with Brown Brothers winemakers Cate Looney and Simon McMillan to discover all of its juicy secrets.
Here’s everything you need to know.
Q: From Moscato Zero to Moscato Rosé Zero… Can you walk us through the thought process behind creating a zero-alcohol Moscato Rosé for Brown Brothers?
With the success of the Moscato Zero, we decided to see how a Moscato Rosé Zero would be received.
Q: How do you go about making a zero-alcohol wine? Is it a matter of taking something out (alcohol), or is it more complicated than that?
We assemble a specific Moscato blend that is 30% drier than our core Moscato. This is then distilled to remove alcohol. We use spinning cone technology, which is a lower temperature process than regular distillation. This gentle technique allows us to maintain the varietal characters of the base wine.
Q: In a blind tasting, do you think you could tell the difference between the Brown Brothers Moscato Rosé and our wine of the moment, Moscato Rosé Zero?
They are very close, however we’ve assembled a specific blend for the Moscato Rosé Zero so it contains 30% fewer calories.
Q: How would you describe this wine? What excites you about it?
The Moscato Rosé Zero is a refreshing style of Moscato with red berry flavours as well as the tropical flavours you’d expect from Moscato. In terms of flavour, it’s very close to the regular Moscato Rosé. Moscato is intensely flavoured, so it stands up well to the alcohol removal process.
Q: When do you reach for a glass of Moscato Rosé Zero – does an occasion spring to mind? Or is it an ‘anytime’ type scenario?
Moscato Rosé Zero a great choice if you are looking to moderate alcohol consumption, especially on occasions where others are enjoying a glass of wine and you don’t want to miss out.
Q: Here’s a fun one: food pairings. What’s your number one must-try dish with Moscato Rosé Zero, and why do they work so well together?
Moscato is an excellent aperitif. Here’s some food pairing ideas - enjoy with cheese platters or with desserts like a raspberry and chocolate tart.
Q: Let’s speak frankly for a moment. Glassware. Should we be serving the Moscato Rosé Zero in a particular wine glass to enhance its flavours and aromas? Or is that a load of baloney?
I wouldn’t get too carried away with glass selection for Moscato Rosé Zero – go with your favourite style of wine glass. Maybe serve with fresh berries and a squeeze of lemon, served over ice with some fresh mint.
Q: Brown Brothers is clearly embracing the Zero alcohol wine category. Care to give us a clue as to what’s coming next?
We have a number of trials in the pipeline for zero wines as well as mid strength wines – watch this space.
Thanks to our talented winemakers – it must be time for a drink!